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contoh kalimat maurice bishop

"maurice bishop" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He was among those imprisoned under Prime Minister Maurice Bishop for two years.
    Ia dipenjarakan di bawah Perdana Menteri Maurice Bishop selama dua tahun.
  • In 1983, its leader Maurice Bishop was killed by paramilitaries affiliated with hard-liners in his own party.
    Pada 1983, pemimpinnya Maurice Bishop dibunuh oleh paramiliter yang bersekutu dengan para anggota garis keras dalam partainya sendiri.
  • 1979 – The New Jewel Movement, headed by Maurice Bishop, ousts Prime Minister Eric Gairy in a nearly bloodless coup d'état in Grenada.
    1979 - Gerakan Permata Baru (New Jewel Movement), dipimpin oleh Maurice Bishop, menyingkirkan Perdana Menteri Eric Gairy dalam kudeta nyaris tak berdarah di Grenada.
  • Castro supported the leftist New Jewel Movement that seized power in Grenada in 1979, befriending Grenadine President Maurice Bishop and sending doctors, teachers, and technicians to aid the country's development.
    Castro bersahabat dengan Presiden Grenada Maurice Bishop dan mengirim dokter, guru, dan teknisi untuk membantu proses pembangunan negara tersebut.